- Double locked-stitched with 3 cords of polyester thread.
- 4-1/2 to 5 oz. full grain baseball glove cow hide.
- Height: 55 inches/140 CM.
- Diameter: 18 inches/45 CM.
- Weight: 150 lbs./70 KG.
- Thread-filled inter bag.
- Kapok stuffing between inter and outer bags.
Price: $7,900
NOTE: Shipping is not included on medicine bags -
Contact us for a shipping estimate for your location

- Double locked-stitched with 3 cords of polyester thread.
- 4-1/2 to 5 oz. full grain baseball glove cow hide.
- Total length: 60 inches/183 CM.
- Pad length: 60 inches/152 CM.
- Pad diameter: 3-1/2 inches/9 CM.
- Pad made of dense foam wrapped around steel rod connecting ends.
- Designed to be used with Olympic weights
Price (shipping not included): $600
Warning: The Medicine Bar is not a squat bar. Do not add more than 50 pounds/22 KG to each end. Excessive weight may be permanently bend the bar and may result in injury to the user.